Monday, December 15, 2008

I just found Anna's comments from the 11th sorry. The monkey picture is a giant picture of a chimpanzee that was hanging in my hospital room that reminded everyone of me. I was very ironic because I love monkeys and pop said that is was a mirror of me.

1 comment:

dposlosky said...

Hi Charlie,
Just catching up on what has been going on with you. Sorry to hear the chemo will be going longer than what you expected. But not surprised to see the amazing outpouring of community to you and your family. You are POZitive proof that being surrounded by so many whose lives YOU have touched will make all the difference. I was especially moved to read about the people you have heard from that you haven't really talked with in a long time! That speaks volumes im itself. Keep the faith, Charlie, keep laughing, and stay the course. I want to dance at your wedding!!! Love, Mrs.Poz